Program, courses and calendar Master ICFP 1st year (cible)

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News : ICFP Research seminars
November 14 - 18, 2022 :

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The first year offers a wealth of lectures covering a wide range of topics in modern physics, from fundamental interactions to biophysics, and also several aspects of quantum mechanics and condensed matter physics, to name just a few. Students follow those lectures, chosen according to their interests and for a total of 30 ECTS (the condensed matter course is compulsory), during the first semester. The second semester is devoted to a 6-month research internship in French or foreign laboratories, in any field of physics or its interfaces.


Name Email Phone number
Jean François ALLEMAND In charge of the internships
ENS professor
ENS office L059g
01 44 32 33 61
Frédéric CHEVY Head of studies
ENS professor
ENS office LS165
01 44 32 20 19
Guilhem SEMERJIAN ENS assistant professor
Coordinator of the first year of Master ENS-ICFP
ENS office LE106
01 44 32 25 13
Associated universities Phone number
Michela PETRINI UPMC professor
Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Paris 5e
01 44 27 76 54
Marc DURAND Paris Diderot assistant professor
Université Paris Diderot
Paris, 13e
01 57 27 62 58
Marc RABAUD Paris Sud professor
Université Paris Sud
01 69 15 80 87

Please refer to the page How to apply for informations regarding the recruitment process.


Stéphanie LEFEBVRE
Administration Officer in charge of the relationships with lecturers
01 44 32 25 98

Administration Officer in charge of internships
01 44 32 25 37

Administration Officer in charge of students
01 44 32 35 60

01 44 32 35 61

The courses of the first year of Master ENS-ICFP are (almost) freely chosen by the students. During the first semester there are five teaching units of 6 ECTS each :

  • M1 : compulsory condensed matter course
  • M2—M5 : four units of physics lectures, to be chosen among the courses proposed by the Masters program, either full courses (60h of lectures and problem classes) or half courses (30h):


Morning Afternoon
Monday Fundamental structure of matter Experimental physics
Tuesday Physics for biology Students seminar
Computational physics and Numerical analysis
Wednesday Statistical physics Condensed matter physics
Thursday Energy transformations
Introduction to General Relativity
Mathematical aspects of symmetries in physics
Friday Evolution and measurement of quantum states
Quantum fluids
Soft interfaces
Non-linear partial differential equations

(Click on the name of a course to get its description.)

See also the detailed timetable.

Students can also perform a Self-directed work: library-based project, considered as a full course (6 ECTS), doing personal research and presenting a short seminar in january.

The lectures on Thursday and Friday are half courses, spread on the two halves of the semester.

One teaching unit = one full course (6 ECTS) or two half courses (2x3 ECTS) at will. At most 9 ECTS can be obtained by following courses not organized by the Masters program.

It is indeed possible to follow other lectures, in particular in some M2 of associated universities (Interface physique-biologie, Océanologie et météorologie, Géodynamique et physique de la terre, Mécanique), conditioned on the agreement of the faculties in charge of the Masters program and of the lecture followed.

Students must have chosen their four teaching units by the end of September, inquiries will be made via email by the people in charge. Individual meetings will be organized if necessary.

Each of the five teaching units M1–M5 are attributed a mark on a scale of 20, the mark of the first semester being their average : MA = (M1 + M2 + M3 + M4 + M5) / 5. If this average is strictly less than 10, the student must take again in September the exams of each of the courses for which he obtained a mark lower than 10. In such a case the committee is entitled to forbid the student to go abroad to do his internship.

Weekly attendance of the Students seminar is compulsory for the validation of the first semester ; students will have to write brief reports on some of the seminars.

The second semester is fully devoted to an internship done full-time in a research laboratory, most often abroad (in Europe but not only) or in France, in an academic or industrial environment. The internship start after the winter holidays (mid-February) and last until the summer (end of July).
The work undertaken is evaluated from a written report describing the results obtained and an oral presentation (mid-September), leading to the mark (on the scale of 20) for the second semester : MB = INTERNSHIP.

The first year is passed if the marks of both semesters (MA and MB) are larger or equal than 10, the yearly mark being their average :
(MA + MB) / 2 = (M1 + M2 + M3 + M4 + M5 + 5 * INTERNSHIP) / 10

The student who has successfully passed the M1 year of ICFP will be admitted in one of the pedagogical path of the M2 ICFP. Which path depends on the student’s proposal and of the estimate of the student’s abilities by the directors of the pedagogical paths. In case of disagreement between the student and the directors of pedagogical paths, the director of the ICFP Master program will propose one of the pedagogical paths to the student. If the student refuses the ICFP director’s proposal he/she will be considered as quitting the ICFP Master program.

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Next student seminar :
Access to the program

Here you can find information about your internships:
Experimental Internship - Undergraduate program
Master ICFP first year Internship

News : ICFP Research seminars
November 14 - 18, 2022 :

All information about the program

Contact us - Student support and Graduate School office :
Tél : 01 44 32 35 60

Our partners: