
Prix des 3 Physiciens: Slow dynamics in glasses
Giorgio Parisi (Université de Rome "La Sapienza")

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Salle E244 (Conf IV) - 24 rue Lhomond

2éme étage - 13h30

Jeudi 15 mars

Résumé :

The typical time scale in condensed matter physics is the picosecond.
In glasses the time to approach equilibrium is much larger, seconds,
years.... It can be argued that this huge increase of the time scale, more that
18 orders of magnitude is a collective effect that must be explained
(universal behavior, universality classes...) Collective effects are well understood when they happen at a second
order phase transition point (critical slowing down), where at
equilibrium there are large scales excitations that involve a large
number of atoms. The aim of this talk would be to discuss the how to extend the ideas
developed for second order phase transition to glasses.

Salle E244 (Conf IV) - 24 rue Lhomond

2éme étage - 13h30