
Cell surface mechanics during tissue morphogenesis
Pierre-François LENNE (Institut de biologie du développement de Marseille-Lumigny)

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Salle E244 - 45, rue d’Ulm - 13h30

Jeudi 27 Octobre

Résumé :

Cortical forces drive a variety of cell shape changes and cell
movements during tissue morphogenesis [RAU 2008, RAU 2011]. While the
molecular components underlying these forces have been largely identified,
how they assemble and spatially and temporally organize at cell surfaces to
promote cell shape changes in developing tissues are open questions. I will
present how cortical forces emerge from the dynamics of actomyosin networks
in interactions with adhesion complexes during early embryogenesis. I will
focus on the elongation of Drosophila melanogaster embryos, which results
from polarized cell neighbour exchanges. I will emphasize the pulsatile nature
of force generation and the role of actomyosin
ows in this process [RAU 2010].

Références :

[RAU 2008] Rauzi, M., Verant, P., Lecuit, T., Lenne, P.F., 2008. Nature and
anisotropy of cortical forces orienting Drosophila tissue morphogenesis. Nature Cell Biol 10, 1401-U1457.

[RAU 2011] Rauzi, M., Lenne, P.F., 2011. Cortical forces in cell shape changes
and tissue morphogenesis. Curr Top Dev Biol 95, 93-144.

[RAU 2010] Rauzi, M., Lenne, P.F., Lecuit, T., 2010. Planar polarized actomyosin contractile
ows control epithelial junction remodelling. Nature 468,

Salle E244 - 45, rue d’Ulm - 13h30