
Dispersive bottleneck delaying thermalization of turbulent Bose-Einstein condensates

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Salle de Conférences IV - 24 rue Lhomond

2ème étage - 13h30

Jeudi 28 Avril

Résumé :

A new mechanism of thermalization involving a direct energy cascade is obtained
in the truncated Gross-Pitaevskii dynamics. A long transient with
partial thermalization at small-scales is observed before the system reaches
equilibrium. Vortices are found to disappear as a prelude to final thermalization.
A bottleneck that produces spontaneous effective self-truncation and
delays thermalization is characterized when large dispersive effects are present
at the truncation wavenumber. Order of magnitude estimates indicate that
self-truncation takes place in turbulent Bose-Einstein condensates. This effect
should also be present in classical hydrodynamics and models of turbulence.

Salle de Conférences IV - 24 rue Lhomond

2ème étage - 13h30