
Black hole complementarity and the constants of nature.
Gerard ’t HOOFT (Utrecht University, prix Nobel 1999)

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Salle de Conférences IV - 24 rue Lhomond

2ème étage - 13h30

Jeudi 21 Avril

Résumé :

There is a domain of the physical world where quantum effects, relativistic
effects and gravitational effects all play important roles simultaneously.
This ”Planck world” is hardly accessible experimentally, but the theoretical
challenge is there to reconcile the apparently conflicting principles of General
Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. An important obstacle is the fact that
the classical General Relativity admits black holes as solutions. To realize a
quantum mechanical description of such objects the notion of black hole complementarity
has been coined, which is the idea that observers may either fall
into a black hole or stay outside, but their descriptions of quantum mechanical
events should agree. This requirement leads to new constraints regarding
the interaction of matter with gravity but also the way matter interacts with
other matter. In particular, all constants of Nature are constrained to obey
algebraical equations. However, we also know that constants of nature show
gigantic variations in size, variations without which the universe could not have
been as large and complex as it is. This is known as the Hierarchy Problem.

Salle de Conférences IV - 24 rue Lhomond

2ème étage - 13h30