
Quantum paradoxes in electronic full counting statistics
Wolfgang Belzig (Université de Constance)

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Salle de Conférences IV - 24 rue Lhomond

2ème étage - 13h30

Jeudi 24 février

Résumé :

The impossibility of measuring non-commuting quantum mechanical observables is one of the most fascinating consequences of the quantum
mechanical postulates. Hence, to date the investigation of quantum measurement and projection is a fundamentally interesting topic. We propose to test
the concept of weak measurement of non-commuting observables in mesoscopic
transport experiments, using a quasiprobablistic description. As first example
of a paradox, we derive an inequality for current correlators, which is satised by every classical probability but violated by high-frequency fourth-order
cumulants in the quantum regime for experimentally feasible parameters. Further paradoxes can be used to detect nonlocal quantum correlations (entanglement) in mesoscopic junctions far beyond the regime covered by the usual
Bell inequalities.

Salle de Conférences IV - 24 rue Lhomond

2ème étage - 13h30