
Exotic light sources such as random and scattering lasers
Ad Lagendijk (FOM-Institute Amolf, University of Amsterdam)

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Ces séminaires ont lieu le jeudi à 13h30 en salle de conférence IV au 2ème étage du batiment dit "de chimie".

Jeudi 29 Mai 2008

A laser is conventionally looked upon as a coherent and bright (that is highly directional)light source, preferably operating in some well-defined mode of a cavity. We will describe a class of lasers that deviate strongly from this cliché. They are not directional and it is not even clear whether the notion of a mode applies to them. All these strange lasers have in common that their optical feedback is not supplied by a mirror, but it is provided by a scattering process.

We will show that some of these lasers can be very small and indeed we
will (try to) answer the question: How small can a laser be?

Ces séminaires ont lieu le jeudi à 13h30 en salle de conférence IV au 2ème étage du batiment dit "de chimie".