
QCD Meets BCS Meets QQ
Franck Wilczek (MIT)

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Ces séminaires ont lieu le jeudi à 13h30 en salle de conférence IV au 2ème étage du batiment dit "de chimie".

Jeudi 17 avril 2008

What happens to matter when you squeeze it very, very hard ?

A child might ask this question, as might a neutron star astrophysicist or a quantum field theorist looking for challenges.

By adapting the methods of superconductivity theory (BCS) to the fundamental theory of matter (QCD) we get some beautiful and surprising answers.

(For experts : We find both confinement and chiral symmetry breaking in a controlled, weak-coupling approximation.)

The nature of quark-quark (QQ) interactions play a crucial role in the analysis, which motivates some new phenomenology leading to a dramatic prediction.

Ces séminaires ont lieu le jeudi à 13h30 en salle de conférence IV au 2ème étage du batiment dit "de chimie".