
| CANCELLED | - The Einstein Telescope project and the future of the earth-based gravitational-wave astronomy



Organisateurs :

Matteo Barsuglia
Laboratoire Astroparticules et Cosmologie (APC), université Paris Diderot

Tuesday, March 3, 2020
5:15 p.m. — room conf IV (24 rue Lhomond)

Gravitational astronomy, which began on September 14th, 2015 with the LIGO detection of the merger of two black holes, has demonnstrated all its scientific potential during the 01 (LIGO) and 02 (LIGO-Virgo) observation periods, between 2015 and 2017. At present, LIGO and Virgo are carrying out a third observation run, started on April 1st 2019, with the detection of a few gravitational-wave candidates per month. A program of detector upgrades, alternated with observation runs, will continue for most of the 2020 decade. After that period, a radical change of the detector infrastructure is necessary. The Einstein Telescope Europan project aims to continue the scientific program of Virgo and LIGO, with a detector having tenfold greater sensitivity than current instruments, 10 km arms, and an underground infrastructure. In this presentation, I will begin by introducing the scientific motivations for Einstein Telescope, then I will describe the planned technology and the implementation plans for the detector.

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Organisateurs :