
The building of the future : Challenges and Innovations

Didier Roux (R&D and Innovation Vice President, Saint-Gobain) - January 14, 2016

Housing is a central concern of our societies, buildings are facing many challenges due to energy and environmental issues. We will show that solutions to meet these challenges cover many aspects of material science together with the design of buildings and their use. We will discuss, among other things, issues related to building energy efficiency, better use of fossil fuels, usage of renewable energy (including photovoltaic) and lighting : taking into account the fast penetration of electronic lighting. We will also describe how new technologies such as digital may change the way we build and use buildings.

Biography :
Didier Roux was born in 1955, former student of the ENS de Saint-Cloud, he was a member of the CNRS from 1980 to 2005. He is recipient of numerous awards and honors. He holds the silver and the Innovation medal of the CNRS. He creates two start-up in 1994 and 1998, he was Deputy Scientific Director of Rhone Poulenc and Rhodia between 1997 and 2005. He is from June 1, 2005 R&D and Innovation Vice President of Saint Gobain. He is a member of the Institut de France (French Académie des Sciences) and member of the National Academy of Technologies of France.

You can also watch this video on the multimedia site ENS : savoirs.ens.fr