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Logistique et maintenance du bâtiment

Facts and Figures:

Facts and Figures:

The ENS Physics department has a dual role of teaching and research. It also provides the technical resources for laboratories (mechanical workshop, helium liquefier, clean room, computer network, logistics, warehouses) as well as administrative support.

Composed of 460 people including 120 researchers/teacher-researchers, the Physics department is the largest research and teaching structure in the ENS.

It occupies 12,000 m² a historic building on rue Lhomond, on the ENS campus in Paris, 2,000 m² on the Jussieu campus and a few buildings at the Collège de France.

Since 2011, the department has been certified ’laboratory of excellence’ for the quality of its research and teaching (Future investments - Labex call for projects).

Le service est responsable des travaux de construction et des installations liées aux expériences (plomberie, métallurgie), de l’entretien et de la préparation de nouveaux laboratoires d’expérimentation, et de façon générale de l’entretien et de la maintenance du bâtiment.
Un magasin d’électronique et un magasin ‘matières’ sont associés à ce service.
Les équipes :

La maintenance du bâtiment

Magasin Matières

Ouverture de 9h00 à 17h30
Fournitures : Matières (laiton, inox..) visserie, outillage ...

Magasin Informatique - Bureautique – Électronique

Ouverture de 9h30 à 17h30
Fournitures : Papier, blocs stylos... CDR-W, DVD, cartouches ... Composants électroniques..

Facts and Figures:

The ENS Physics department has a dual role of teaching and research. It also provides the technical resources for laboratories (mechanical workshop, helium liquefier, clean room, computer network, logistics, warehouses) as well as administrative support.

Composed of 460 people including 120 researchers/teacher-researchers, the Physics department is the largest research and teaching structure in the ENS.

It occupies 12,000 m² a historic building on rue Lhomond, on the ENS campus in Paris, 2,000 m² on the Jussieu campus and a few buildings at the Collège de France.

Since 2011, the department has been certified ’laboratory of excellence’ for the quality of its research and teaching (Future investments - Labex call for projects).