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Paris Biological Physics Community Day 2014 - Nov 7

Paris Biological Physics Community Day 2014

Friday November 7, 2014
9h30 - 18h00

College des Irlandais - Salle Michel Guillaume - 5 rue des Irlandais

The second Paris Biological Physics Community Day (PBPCD 2014) is a
conference organized by young researchers of biological physics in the
Paris area. We aim to bring together researchers in biophysics in the
Paris area in order to give them an opportunity to meet and share their

The meeting is intended for all physicists working on research in
both theoreticians and experimentalists. You are welcome to join us! It
going to be a day of conviviality and scientific enthusiasm, with a
dynamical and informal atmosphere.

The program and the poster can be found on the event website:

Talks by invited speakers are interleaved with short presentations by
local young researchers (PhDs and postdocs). The schedule includes pizza
for lunch, coffee breaks and an evening cocktail.

The event is organized in behalf of GDRI (Groupement de recherche
international "Evolution, Regulation and Signaling") which also provides
the funding. Therefore, there is no registration fee and no prior
registration is mandatory.

Invited Speakers:

Naama Brenner, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Guillaume Salbreux, Max Planck Institut, Dresden, Germany
Samir Suweis, University of Padova, Italy
Pieter Rein ten Wolde, AMOLF, Netherlands

We look forward to seeing you!

The Organizing Committee,

A. Coucke, E. De Leonardis, Y. Elhanati, M. Figliuzzi, S. Grigolon, H.
Jacquin, G. Malaguti, V. Scolari