
Analysis of fluid systems by optimization techniques (video)

Infos Complémentaires

13h30 - Pièce 236 - 2ème étage
29 rue d’Ulm, Paris
Contact : benjamin.huard@ens.fr, aleksandra.walczak@ens.fr

Peter Schmid (Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau) - Jeudi 5 décembre.

When analyzing fluid systems, we are commonly interested in information about the amplification of internal disturbances (flow stability), the response to external excitations (flow receptivity) or the robustness to intrinsic parameters or environmental variables (flow sensitivity). The total of this information gives valuable insight into the underlying physical processes and lays the foundation for their optimization or manipulation.

Traditionally, information about a fluid system has been obtained using mathematical techniques and decompositions from linear algebra. Recently, the limitations and shortcomings of these tools have been recognized, and more generally applicable methods based on optimization concepts have been devised to tackle more complex flow configurations and to answer more relevant questions.

The development from traditional methods to optimization-based techniques will be motivated and illustrated on specific flow problems, ranging from aero-acoustic flows to mixing enhancement. Advantages of this modern approach and the potential of the proposed framework will be outlined ; challenges will be addressed as well. The optimization-based approach is expected to provide new procedures and methodology to deal with more realistic flow situations and to respond to more complex fluid problems.


You can also watch this video on the multimedia site ENS:savoirs.ens.fr

13h30 - Pièce 236 - 2ème étage
29 rue d’Ulm, Paris
Contact : benjamin.huard@ens.fr, aleksandra.walczak@ens.fr