
A scientist’s eye view of research for sustainable energy
Ellen Williams Chief scientist at BP, United Kingdom

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13h30 - Conf IV
24 rue Lhomond, Paris
Contact: benjamin.huard@ens.fr, aleksandra.walczak@ens.fr

Jeudi 4 avril 2013

We face one of the biggest challenges of the 21st century: providing more and more
energy to meet rising demand, but keeping it affordable, secure, reliable and
sustainable. But ‘sustainable’ means different things to different people – from
discovering and recovering more oil and gas to minimizing the impacts on natural
resources used in energy. In this talk, I will outline the importance of scientific
research to both finding new solutions and providing trusted data to underpin
informed decisions about energy, water, land and minerals. Examples of research
addressing these topics will be presented from a perspective of the scientific
challenges in delivering new value in the energy system. These will span the
disciplinary space of geoscience, chemistry, biology and natural resource systems.

13h30 - Conf IV
24 rue Lhomond, Paris
Contact: benjamin.huard@ens.fr, aleksandra.walczak@ens.fr